Dr. Norbert Ketskés M.D. is one the most acknowledged gastroenterologist in Hungary, specializing in natural and organic nutritional solutions, leading the well-known Primus Labor, a private clinic offering personalized nutritional advices to its patients. Dr. Ketskés has been focusing his medical work to examine the human body on the level of the single cell, searching for the connections between the quality of nutrition and the various gastroenterological diseases. He is been devoting his time to examine the totally organic seed-based nutritional solutions and their effects on several gastroenterological problems, from extreme diets to obesity, or from cancer to stroke, just to name a few. He has been a partner of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, as a specialist in athletic and sport nutrition, also a member of the medical board of the Hungarian Karate Association. He is a well-known specialist in complementary cancer-focused nutritional therapy, and his publications are highly acknowledged nationwide.
He has been an independent medical expert of Rain International in Europe in the past seven years, and has been invited to share his medical experiences in presentations, all over the Continent. His unique cellular mapping of the human body is a special examination enabling the doctor to receive a comprehensive image of the human body’s cellular state, just like a snapshot image. Similar to a blood sugar test, one drop of blood gained from the fingertip checked expansively under a special, dark-field microscope can be highly informative to detect several

abnormal proceedings, such as eating disorders, the presence of bad cholesterol, for instance, or the high deficit of fundamental elements vital to a healthy state. The presence and the level of oxidative stress, the acid – base balance of the body, the status of various organs, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the liver and other major organs’ current status can be examined closely by this test too. He has been archiving and saving his medical test results, having more than 5000 (five thousand) medical documentations available on his seed-based experimental studies, uniguely. This is a huge and incredibly valuable data-base, that is focusing on the effectivness of the seed-based nutrition suppliments. In fact, he’s one of the few scientific adviser in the World, who has a huge medical experience in practice examining the effects of seed-based nutrition in the human body.
Recent Professional Work and Education:
- Head of the special care department of Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital, in Budapest, Hungary 2021
- Member of the scientific board of ISNS
- Independent Scientific Adviser of Rain International in Europe since 2013 – 2020
- Medical Partner of the Hungarian Olympic Committee since 2015
- Member of the Medical board of Hungarian Karate Association since 2015
- Leader of the Primus Labor Private Medical Clinic since 2013
- Family Doctor 1999 – 2012